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The first Roman invasion of Britain occurred in 55BC, during the famous Emperor Julius Caesar’s Gallic Wars. In 43AD, Emperor Claudius invaded once more, and the conquests of the army were organised as the Provincia Britannia. Large areas of what is now Great Britain were under Roman rule from this year until around 410AD, during the time of Emperor Constantine III, at which time local warlords rose and justice and administration fell to municipal authorities rather than civil, military and imperial governance.

More than 2,000 years after the first invasion, there is still much evidence of the Roman occupation of Britain, from archaeological sites in situ to fascinating shards of history in museums up and down the country. Fiyaz Mughal, who came to England with his family as a refugee from Uganda under Idi Amin, has a fascination with Roman history and culture, specifically the historical mix of communities that were found within the Roman army. Fiyaz Mughal enjoys touring Britain to explore the Roman historic sites and learn more about the history of the melting pot of nations that made up the troops of the Roman armies.

Visit York

York was once a provincial capital of Rome and the largest settlement in the North of England. The walled city was known as Eboracum and boasts a multitude of physical remains of the Roman occupation. The Museum Gardens feature open displays of Roman sarcophagi and a multangular tower as part of the city walls, which is a multi-period structure founded on the Roman Legionary Fortress’s south-west corner tower.

The Yorkshire Museum is also situated in the Gardens and has many Roman displays, with most of the objects discovered in the York area. The PDF attachment looks at some of the most important Roman artefacts to be found in the Yorkshire Museum. The remains of a Roman military bathhouse can be seen within the Roman Bath public house, while the undercroft of York Minster houses remains of the Basilica.

Visit Hadrian’s Wall

Perhaps one of the most famous Roman sights in Britain is Hadrian’s Wall; running for 73 miles, this iconic wall is the largest of all Roman artefacts ever discovered. Building of the defensive fortification began in 122AD, marking the limits of the Roman Empire to the North. Significant parts of Hadrian’s Wall still stand and in 1987 the attraction was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Contrary to popular belief, the Wall does not demarcate the boundary between England and Scotland. It is situated entirely in England, ranging from just 1km south of the border in the west to 109km south in the east. In the infographic attachment you can find some interesting facts about the construction of Hadrian’s Wall.

Visit Colchester

Colchester in Essex was known in Roman times as Camulodunum and was the first capital of the province. It is claimed that Colchester is the oldest town in Britain and it was an important area for the Romans. The town was home to the only known chariot circus in Britain, the first recorded town walls, several temples and large cemeteries, and two theatres, one of which was the largest in Britain.

Visitors today can view remains of these theatres, Britain’s best-preserved gateway from Roman times and the UK’s oldest Roman church, as well as visit the Castle Museum. Several statues of Roman gods, including Venus and Mercury, have been found at the site of ancient Roman temples in Colchester. The short video looks at the significance of those two gods in Roman culture.