by Fiyaz Mughal | Apr 2, 2020
The UK’s Conservative Party has struggled with Islamophobia and anti-Muslim rhetoric, and its failure to handle the issue has enabled an attitude of hate and intolerance against Muslims. Between 2018 and 2019, various Conservative politicians expressed...
by Fiyaz Mughal | Mar 2, 2020
Having an identity is important to most people, whether this identity is shaped through aspects such as nationality, religion, occupation, gender or ethnicity, to name but a few. Finding that identity takes time for some, and in a globalised world where trends and...
by Fiyaz Mughal | Dec 10, 2019
In early July 2019, about 1.5 million people descended upon London’s streets to celebrate the annual Pride in London parade that supports gender and sexual diversity. Celebrated every year, the event is part protest part celebration, with members and supporters...
by Fiyaz Mughal | Nov 26, 2019
Eid-al-Adha is considered one of the most important annual festivals in the Islamic calendar and is celebrated to mark the end of Hajj. It’s the second of two annual observances by Muslim faithful, the first being Eid-al-Fitr, which marks the conclusion of the...
by Fiyaz Mughal | Feb 18, 2019
Although the digital revolution has created more platforms from which to promote a community project, it is also more possible to be drowned out by the huge volume of other news, information and projects. People are spending increasing amounts of time consuming...
by Fiyaz Mughal | Feb 11, 2019
Behind every successful social enterprise there is a foundation of hard work and thorough research. Fiyaz Mughal is the founder of two UK-based social enterprises – Tell MAMA and Faith Matters. From experience, Mughal has learned that whilst a good idea is an...